Rothenbueler, Gail

I am happy to have joined the Sacred Heart School staff as the 5th grade teacher. I have come out of retirement to rejoin the teaching community which I greatly missed. I went to Catholic grade school through 8th grade and have enjoyed returning to the loving, blessed spirit of Catholic education.
I received my bachelor degree in education at UW-Milwaukee and my masters degree from Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin. I also obtained certification in administration from Edgewood College.
I have 4 children and 9, going on 10, grandchildren. I love spending time with my grandchildren, especially my 2nd grader. I enjoy visiting with friends and family, playing BINGO, reading and doing crafts. I live in a 55+ community and enjoy spending time with friends there. I am also a member of St. Joseph the Worker Church in Maple Grove.