School Advisory Council

School Advisory Council

Purpose and Function

The Committee is established by the Pastor, in accord with diocesan policy, to assist him and the principal with matters pertaining to Sacred Heart Catholic School. The council is advisory to the pastor and principal and cannot make decisions binding Sacred Heart School without the approval of the pastor.

The areas in which the council has responsibility for advisement includes:

  1. Planning
  2. Policy Formulation/Enactment
  3. Advisory role in financing
  4. Development, Public Relations, Marketing
  5. Provide representation for selection of the Principal

SAC By-Laws: SAC FINALBylaws 


  1. SAC shall range from six-nine voting members from the Sacred Heart Parish, plus the principal and pastor.
  2. No paid employee of Sacred Heart Parish, nor their spouse, may be a member of SAC.
  3. The members shall serve a term of three years, not to exceed two consecutive terms.
  4. Two members may retire and two members will begin their terms in August (one is elected; one is appointed).
  5. All SAC members shall maintain confidentiality of all information presented.

Committee members

Please feel free to contact any SAC members with your questions or concerns. You may also address your concerns in a letter to the committee.

Molly McGraw Healy [email protected]
Margaret Andersen [email protected]
Laura Carrillo [email protected]
Elise Hoverman [email protected]
Kelly Cunningham [email protected]
Rikki Mortl [email protected]
Aimee Wilhelm [email protected]
Carrie Schildgen [email protected]
Becky Brouillard [email protected]
Victoria Manos [email protected]
Mary Daugherty [email protected]
Fr. Bryan Pedersen  [email protected]


School Advisory Committee Meeting

All meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. 

August 21st meeting:
SAC Agenda 8-21-24
SAC August Minutes

September 18th meeting:
SAC Agenda 9-18-24
SAC September Minutes

October 23rd meeting:
SAC Agenda 10-23-24

SAC minutes October 23

November 20th meeting:
SAC Agenda 11-20-24
SAC Minutes 11:20

January 22nd meeting:
SAC Agenda 1-15-25

February 19th meeting:


March 19th meeting:


April 16th meeting:


May 21st meeting: