

Nurturing Faith.   Inspiring Minds.    Serving Others.
Shaping Future Leaders

We are dedicated to:

    •     Providing opportunities for children to grow in the Catholic faith.
    •     Collaborating with parents to support their role as the primary educators   of their children.
    •     Encouraging children to be thoughtful, compassionate, and respectful to others.
    •     Challenging students to meet high academic standards.
    •     Promoting C-STEM educational opportunities.
    •     Embracing communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.
    •     Creating a growth mindset culture and supporting mental health.
    •     Fostering a peaceful, welcoming, and safe environment for students to learn and play.
    •     Engaging in local and global community service.  
    •     Partnering with our parish community to worship and learn from each other.