2025-2026 School Information
Now enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year
If you are enrolling as a new family to Sacred Heart Catholic School, please click on the admissions link:
Our school set-up code AJDBM-HDM
For more information or any questions, please contact Karen Bursey, Principal. The admissions and enrollment process is completed online using a website called TADS. A registration fee of $100 is collected at this time. After your admissions information is submitted, you will hear back from our Director of Advancement or the School Principal.
Families considering Sacred Heart Catholic School for their child(ren) are encouraged to take a tour of the school. Tours are given by appointment, and conducted by our Principal or Admissions director.
To schedule a tour for preschool or K-8, contact our Admissions Director, Lorena Fritz, at [email protected]
Tuition Rates for 2025-2026
Grade K-8
Grade K – 8, Parishioner
Tuition: 1st/2nd child $6625.00
Grade K – 8, Non-Parishioner
Tuition: $8155.00 per/student
3rd Child Discount: $1,000
4th Child Discount $1,250
Pre-Kindergarten-3 and 4 year olds
School day 7:15-2:15 pm.
All Day Pre-K Rates: 3 and 4 year olds (Age by September 1, 2025)
Full day, 5 days $900/month
Full day, 4 days $800/month
Full day, 3 days $700/month
Half day, 3 days MWF $475/month
Half day, 2 days T/Th $350/month
****Kids Club available – 2:10-5:30 pm Additional fee
****Hot Lunch available for an additional fee
Tuition Scholarships, K-8 only
Families may apply for a tuition scholarship on TADS. Sacred Heart has Lend a Hand scholarships (application due May 1st) and Aim Higher Scholarships (applications due February 23).